“What do you want from me?” The tone of this question that I passionately asked the Lord during this season comes from a place of broken humility and sincere desire. I was in the middle of a mental battle that was full of anxiety and chaos. I was crying out to God in sincere prayer in the midst of my pain. There was no fancy theology attached to my petition. Only sincere cries to be delivered from this pain.
Have you been in a difficult season like I was? Do you ever dream of having more peace in your life? Do you consistently relate to words like anxiety, fear, stress, mental unrest, disorder, or hostility? If so, this book is for you.
In this book I take a practical and theological approach to the topic of peace, through the lens of abiding in Christ.
My heart for this book is:
- To help you see what it means to have an intimate abiding relationship with Jesus Christ.
- That through this relationship you will gain practical Biblical understanding of how to abide in His peace.
- To help you learn to identify sources that detract from your peace along with practical tools to deal with them.
- To show you how to win the mental battle that rages in many of our minds.
At the end of each chapter is an application-focused workbook section that will help you take what you are learning and incorporate it into your daily discipleship journey, share in a small group, or teach others.
Whether you struggle with mental illness, have anxiety and fear, know someone struggling to find peace, or simply want to explore this topic through a biblical lens, this book is for you. Abiding in Peace will encourage you on your journey and help you find healing and abundant life.